Whether its India's 9/11 or not, but 26th november '08 is truly one of the darkest days or, perhaps, The Darkest day in the Indian terror history. Great Mahn!! I mean a country with the highest population density on the globe is handicapped by mere 15-20 armed bastards! Aged between 20-25, I must say their guts and planning is commendable! I suppose if 1/10th, yeah just a small fraction of their concern for their targets had been present in the the govt of India, this would never be possible. Seems the govt of ours is like a chemical compound on a photographic plate which has the capability to absorb everything that comes its way but has nothing to do with changing them or dealing with them, rather, have all the powers to modify the reality and bring out the result that one wants. Our so-called saviors well know how to fight to establish whose better.. congress or bjp or any other of the million parties for that matter, but fortunate enough for them and unfortunate for rest of the country, that is all they perhaps know and seem concerned with! USA was challenged on 9/11, and they made sure they don't get to witness another similar date! Sure, if USA is said to be the king of the world, it deserves indisputably!!
It sounds amazing how theses loaded beggars played well at execution of their fabulous plan to break into the biggest and one of the most important metro cities of the country. More than that, they furthered their plans to take over the three buildings 0f the city, two of them, The Taj Hotel and The Oberoi Hotel being the heritage of the country as a whole! Who would now dare call Mumbai as the city of dreams? Dozens of people loosing their lives within nanoseconds in the grenade blasts carried out in the most crowded places of the financial capital of India, blind firing, many kept as hostages, including foreigners, tourists, crying and waiting for their lives and families to be freed. I wonder what worse than this can be the real war-time conditions!! If The Taj, 105 years old asset of India can be successfully targeted and damaged, then what safety does our real taj, The Taj Mahal holds? If the legacy continues, soon India would serve for tourists (If only they choose to visit India anymore!!), as a museum for distorted and probably ruined historical monuments, each carrying a unique hallmark of the uncontrolled terrorism in the country!
Its no less than an age old bollywood movie script where the villain and his gang succeeds in breaking in wherever they wish to! I often used to wonder at such scenes while watching a similar kinda movie, "Ahh forget it! These movie makers show anything! How could that possibly happen!" But today I feel I'd been living with terrible misconceptions! Also, there aren't any real time Akshay Kumars or Hrithik Roshans, who even without any arm and ammunition are capable of serving the rotten-sneaks the taste of dust. We've already lost some valuable officers of the country who could be or rather, were of great aid in combating the internal crime of the country had this episode never happened. Perhaps destiny chose them to pay for the doings, infact, the "undoings" of our darling politicians! May their souls rest in peace. Movies overflowing with glamor and masala are all that seem to be highlighted but what about those who aren't made just to capture audience but also to convey a message? Alas! Movies like these come, are accoladed till those 30 minutes of the post-movie discussions and are then forgotten. I know movie like The Wednesday will never win a best movie award, but it sure deserves one, at least I believe this! Brunettes and larger than life sets aren't the sole definition of a five starer film.
Lets wake up from our long slumber fellas and lets hit it hard! They think we're coward? Well everyone knows they're bigger ones, can't dare operate without their limbs - their weapons! Let them know our population is not a curse but a boon to us. Lets put a full stop to our unsafe lives and get our India into a safe domain and for that matter, let it take anything it asks for!
Forgiving a terrorist is left to GOD, but fixing their appointment with the GOD is our responsibility!
Jai Hind!!
u r right about this terrorism and v d people of india only only have to deal with this problem. The government has just got the freedom to speak only without taking any action. they are lame persons of india. they just want to have peace only but they dont come to an action of gaining it. even the youths show their strengths against religion and many other reasons but they dont try to fight against terrorism... so the government should come up with an immediate action against the BIG T dats TERRORISM.....
JAI HIND.......
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