Sunday, July 05, 2009

Turning Pages...

Alright!! Seems I've finally completed my training!! The feeling,I thought, would be overloaded with excitement and joy but it ain’t anything like that. Its a happy feeling but kinda empty! If you ask me the reason.. I myself don’t know!

Woah!! It has been 4 months I've been away from my whatever’s post editor... and to summarize these 4 months in a single post ain’t an easy thing to do! Life seems to have taken a sharp turn.. a turn which has given a new direction to my life! Though at times , the very idea of this new change pesters me in the context whether its exactly what i wanted or not!! I often wonder whether my life is leading in the direction I wanted it to or not but almost every time, I do not happen to land on a definite answer!

As of now, the cons that lay attached to this new life are good in their number! I have become responsible.. WOW! Now with responsible, I don’t mean to say I was a born junk of trash or immensely irresponsible but its just that i never had a task or job waiting for my action. There was nothing that I was in complete charge of and now , there is a lot of it including my life!

Gone are the days when doing nothing was all that kept me busy round the clock.. when planning parties and get-togethers was done every now and then.. when there was nothing that was left undone as I was never short of time.. when watching movies and Friends constituted a major part of my daily routine.. when music was with me the way I am with myself.. when that hostel room and my best friends was my favorite hangout.. when my room at home was my favorite resting place.. when I daily used to see and talk to people I adore.. and like this.. when there was so much of all gone!! But then I knew it would happen and luckily, life is fair enough to me that my past doesn’t overpowers my present! Life still remains my favorite game, interesting and adventurous as ever! Getting out of myself more than I thought I could deliver is a good feeling. Now there's a lot to do in a day but then I like to keep doing something or the other, there are lesser parties but taking out time for even one after a long gap is a different kinda fun, things need to be postponed at times but then I am happy that still, there is nothing that's left undone be it sooner or later, movies are fewer but that's okay and as of Friends, its still on.. can't afford to miss on it!! Miss the intensity of my music but again, haven't compromised much with it. Hostel can never come back, nor those friends so I've learnt missing them. As there ain't much time to rest, there ain't any time to miss my room as well. As of my world of people, have nothing more to say other then "Miss You Guys!!!".

But as always, I continue loving my life as before and am lovin this new phase with all it is offering me. Though, I hope someday, I'll be able to understand the goal that lies in these fast turning pages of my life more clearly...!!

P.S.: At the end of every post I write on Whatever, I can't resist feeling "Why the hell am I so abstract!!!". And once again I am feeling the same as I read my post before publishing.. but can't really change it.. it's just what I feel!! So kindly adjust ;)

And with that.. Goodnite...!!

Hale Good!!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Its time for a change...

Alright, finally the time has arrived for which I had been waiting for a long time! Its the beginning of a new life, a new world to me. This new everything expects or rather requires me to be a new entire being too. Don't really know if I am anyways capable of doing any of that but I know one thing that I am willing to tackle things that lay piled up for me in the near future. As for the war of feelings and emotions going on inside me, there's a part which makes me ponder over that unfortunate moment when I readily uploaded this huge decision in my horoscope. Something that wouldn't allow my family and my people to be an active part of my life for a good period of time but that occurs for just a matter of instance. Optimism and high zeal still rest as the overpowering part of the war. Will miss some amazing people that I know and will miss some beautiful times I spent being with them but I guess that is the real essence of the turn of the events taking place in my life.
I hope living thousands of miles away from my home and entering into the corporate world proves to be a major milestone for me and leads me to the place I have always wanted to be!!
Fingers X :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

The movie's ending song was still running when I was already logging into my whatever. Slumdog Millionaire is one piece of splendid research and deliverance. I don't remember when I last enjoyed every single moment of a movie to this extent. The way the slums of Mumbai have been portrayed makes you build an exact picture of what the reality might hold. The life of people in those slums is more awful than I could ever imagine. No safety, no direction, just living for the heck of it. There's nothing but s**t in their lives. It made me believe the saying more than before that "Its a sin to be born poor". Though its worth pondering why hollywood was closer to real India while bollywood couldn't come up with a subject which was dwelling right here with us, but its still appreciable that a subject like this was thought and executed, that too, so well. All I can say to summarize is - A must-watch!
Great work Mr.Boyle!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Whats with Raju?

If I recall the time when I completed my secondary school and had to opt for a career line, I took non-medical in awe of the boom in the IT industry at that time. And through all the subsequent years, the industry has grown and touched great heights. But with the collapse of Satyam, things don't appear the same.
Ramalinga Raju's huge scam of over 7000 crore rupees, first of its nature and extent in Indian history, has put a question mark on the credibility of Indian IT cos. Thousands of people affected, some in terms of their careers while others with their investments. Many crores of rupees going missing! Above all, a national loss of a major IT company as it sinks! Talking of Ramanlinga Raju, there are certain questions that hover in my mind. Being the founder and chairman of Satyam Computers, why would he not deal with the problems as and when they started? Why would he want the company to run in losses? Why would a man with an intellect like his choose to ride a tiger knowing he can't get off without being eaten? Did he do that with the only aim of making large amounts of fast and illegal money? Can a founder seek to destroy his own foundation? As people and web portals reveal, Raju is a man to be looked up to! He was(is) an inspiration, an idol to those who worked with him. He sure is a culprit, culprit to the law and all the people who trusted him and his company but I still feel there is another side of all of this which is yet to be explored. He is not a hero, but he is not even a deliberate criminal. I sincerely wish that things become transparent soon and Satyam, unlike Enron, regains its lost position.
I just wish Satyam and well, Raju too, all the best!