Alright, finally the time has arrived for which I had been waiting for a long time! Its the beginning of a new life, a new world to me. This new everything expects or rather requires me to be a new entire being too. Don't really know if I am anyways capable of doing any of that but I know one thing that I am willing to tackle things that lay piled up for me in the near future. As for the war of feelings and emotions going on inside me, there's a part which makes me ponder over that unfortunate moment when I readily uploaded this huge decision in my horoscope. Something that wouldn't allow my family and my people to be an active part of my life for a good period of time but that occurs for just a matter of instance. Optimism and high zeal still rest as the overpowering part of the war. Will miss some amazing people that I know and will miss some beautiful times I spent being with them but I guess that is the real essence of the turn of the events taking place in my life.
I hope living thousands of miles away from my home and entering into the corporate world proves to be a major milestone for me and leads me to the place I have always wanted to be!!
Fingers X :)