Today we are living in a world which is capable, in itself, of performing every possible task required. Just like the features in our computers, we have the feature of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)in our lives as well. Its just a matter of seconds to incorporate a wild or may be seem-to-be-impossible idea that you might have been contemplating since long and fantasizing about turning it into reality!
Trying making a sprint back to times which didn’t have the existence of a perfect shelter, the first thought that pops up in my mind is “How could they manage surviving in so severe conditions!!”. But the fact is they did because they had to improve and provide a pathway for the world we are living in today. Starting from the ill-equipped shelters, we evolved into houses and then there were huge and beautiful mansions. In feild of transport as well, from the times we had carts, we have reached today when we are facilitated with cars and airbuses.
But did we ever realise that with advancements and technological developments, we are advancing more and more towards various hazards and diseases. Nobody ever encountered the fatal problems of AIDS and Cancer in those times, nor was there the existing devastating terrorism and accidents! Airplanes were a major achievement of mankind, but it brought along with it plane crashes and hijacks! Peace of mind is something that everybody hesitates to confess they have.We are living, sometimes I feel, just for the heck of it. As a mater of tradition, we are born, we grow up learning in a good school, continue our education in some good feild of studies to make sure of our earnings, engage ourselves in a family and keep living till the end of time.
But they say science is getting more and more comforts to us! World is shrinking with advanced techniques of communications. Internet being one major invention that cannot be left out in this respect. Wi-fi and broadband being more advancer! And then with these we have the atomic and nuclear bombs having the capability of destroying the whole planet in a fraction of second! Amazing it sounds that the hands which invent medicines to cure the humanity strive to bring it to a full stop with these weapons! Who knows whats going to happen the next moment in this digital world of 0’s and 1’s? We are at 1 today, we might be at 0 tomorrow! But then again.. WHATEVER!! Friends, its now or never is all I want to say. Don’t postpone anything to tomorrow and make the most of it today itself because they say.. THE WORLD IS CHANGING!!